Musing Monday

This week’s MM

Who, if anyone usually accompanies you to the library? Is it somewhere you go alone? Or is it a regular outing with family or friends? Which do you prefer?

When I do go to the library, it is usually by myself. I find it more of a solitary and more comfortable time if I’m not constantly overshadowed or pestered by another person – even if they are great friends or fellow book lovers. However, at times, particularly back at uni, I would go to libraries with friends but we would split up and do our own thing before meeting up again whenever we’ve all finished.


  1. It’s such a solitary experience to absorb the aisles of books at your hands. I know what you mean about other people being pestering, even unintentionally.

  2. I usually go by myself, knowing I’ll get lost in the aisles of shelves for hours. I don’t bother to ask for company, nor would I schedule anything with friends on library day.

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