National Year of Reading

The Year So Far…

I had lost my reading mojo but I think I may have quietly found it again. The past few months have been rather chaotic in my life and, to my utter dismay, I no longer found myself interested in books. What would I do with my life if I didn’t like books anymore? Happily, I’ve been reading again.

It would have been a bad time to lose my reading mojo as this year in Australia is the National Year of Reading! That’s right – 2012 is the year where all those who work in any way with books or are simply lovers of books are pushing it onto the national agenda. As a (still newish!) librarian and lover of books, this is an important year where hopefully the love and importance of a reading culture is instilled once more into society. The movement kicks off on February 14th which is also Library Lovers Day (and also Valentine’s Day!).

As part of the NYOR, I’ve given myself the small challenges of:

  1. Reading all those books I’ve been meaning to read for ages. E.g. Anna Karenina, The Female Eunuch, those Hardys, etc.
  2. Read as much as I can from my TBR pile.
  3. Read more widely and include more non-fiction.
  4. Try and read at least two books each week and for two hours each day.

I’ve read quite a variety of books this year including classics, non-fiction and a contemporary thriller. I’ve just finished Dorothy Whipple’s High Wages and the story has just blown me away. Whipple’s writing is simply amazing. Such simplicity but so vivid. Her characters are so well drawn particularly her female protagonists. This was my third Whipple and I think I like this latest one even more than the last!

Finally, I found this great and endearing post: A Girl You Should Date. Read it and I guarantee you’ll love it! 🙂