Completist Reading

I suspect this will be a lengthy journey. I’ll be attempting to read the complete works of these authors or genres. The list will consist largely of novels and selected non-fiction. Some will be difficult to source due to them possibly being out-of-print. This is also a list in progress.

I got this lovely idea from Lizzy’s book blog.

In no particular order:


Wilkie Collins

  1. Basil [1852]
  2. Hide and Seek [1854]
  3. The Dead Secret [1857]
  4. The Woman in White [1860]
  5. No Name [1862]
  6. Armadale [1866]
  7. The Moonstone [1868]
  8. Man and Wife [1870]
  9. Poor Miss Finch [1872]
  10. The New Magdalen [1873]
  11. Miss or Mrs? and other stories in outline [1873]
  12. The Frozen Deep and other stories [1874]
  13. The Law and the Lady [1875]
  14. The Haunted Hotel [1879]
  15. My Lady’s Money [1879]
  16. Jezebel’s Daughter [1880]
  17. The Black Robe [1881]

Thomas Hardy

  1. Desperate Remedies [1871]
  2. Under the Greenwood Tree [1872]
  3. A Pair of Blue Eyes [1873]
  4. Far from the Madding Crowd [1874]
  5. The Hands of Ethelberta [1876]
  6. Return of the Native [1878]
  7. The Trumpet Major [1880]
  8. Wessex Tales (short stories) [1880]
  9. A Laodicean [1881]
  10. Two on a Tower [1882]
  11. The Mayor of Casterbridge [1886]
  12. The Woodlanders [1887]
  13. Tess of the D’urbervilles [1891]
  14. Life’s Little Ironies [1894]
  15. Jude the Obscure [1896]
  16. The Well Beloved [1897]

Charlotte Bronte

  1. Jane Eyre [1847]
  2. Shirley [1849]
  3. Villette [1853]
  4. The Professor [1857]

Anne Bronte

  1. Agnes Grey [1847]
  2. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall [1848]

Emily Bronte

  1. Wuthering Heights [1847]

Jane Austen

  1. Sense and Sensibility [1811]
  2. Pride and Prejudice [1813]
  3. Mansfield Park [1814]
  4. Emma [1815]
  5. Northanger Abbey [1817]
  6. Persuasion [1817]

Charles Dickens

  1. The Pickwick Papers [1836]
  2. Oliver Twist [1839]
  3. Nicholas Nickleby [1839]
  4. The Old Curiousity Shop [1841]
  5. Barnaby Rudge [1841]
  6. A Christmas Carol [1843]
  7. Martin Chuzzlewit [1844]
  8. Dombey and Son [1848]
  9. David Copperfield [1850]
  10. Bleak House [1853]
  11. Hard Times [1854]
  12. Little Dorritt [1857]
  13. A Tale of Two Cities [1861]
  14. Great Expectations [1861]
  15. Our Mutual Friend [1865]


Albert Camus

  1. The Outsider [1942]
  2. The Myth of Sisyphus [1942]
  3. The Plague [1947]
  4. The Fall [1956]
  5. A Happy Death [1971]

Simone de Beauvoir

  1. She Came to Stay [1943]
  2. The Blood of Others [1945]
  3. All Men are Mortal [1946]
  4. The Mandarins [1954]
  5. The Woman Destroyed [1967]

Jean-Paul Sartre

  1. Nausea [1938]
  2. The Wall [1939]
  3. The Age of Reason [1945]
  4. The Reprieve [1947]
  5. Troubled Sleep, or, Iron in the Soul [1949]

Jasper Fforde

Thursday Next series

  1. The Eyre Affair [2001]
  2. Lost in a Good Book [2002]
  3. The Well of Lost Plots [2003]
  4. Something Rotten [2004]
  5. The First Among Sequels [2007]
  6. One of Our Thursdays is Missing [2011]

The Nursery Crime series

  1. The Big Over Easy [2005]
  2. The Fourth Bear [2006]

Shades of Grey series

  1. Shades of Grey: The Road to High Saffron [2009]

The Dragonslayer series

  1. The Last Dragonslayer [2011]

Last update: 12 June 2011


    1. Oh, thanks Nishita! I’m already reading a lot of the classics anyway so I may as well draw up the list. I’ll be interested to see one from you! 🙂

  1. That’s a very interesting list right there. 😀 Good luck and I hope you finish and at the same time enjoy reading them. 😀

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